What is Digital Forensics 和 Incident Response (DFIR)? 

DFIR is the process of collecting digital forensic evidence, hunting for suspicious activities, 和 continuously monitoring for endpoint events. Going a bit more in-depth, security expert Scott J. 罗伯茨 定义DFIR as "a multidisciplinary profession that focuses on identifying, 调查, 和 remediating computer-network exploitation."

从过程的角度来看, 利用综合取证的事件响应和调查计划将包括调查等职责, 分析管理, 威胁检测, 通信, 和 documentation of findings.

随后的补救和清理通常包括删除攻击者远程访问功能, restoring prioritized business processes 和 systems, 和 securing compromised user accounts.


  • Muti-system取证DFIR的特点之一是能够监视和查询所有关键系统和资产类型,以发现违规行为的迹象. 
  • 袭击的情报: Spotting suspicious network activity means knowing what to look for. This means developing the ability to think like an attacker, not only to remediate vulnerabilities in your own systems, but also to spot signs of exploitation. 
  • 端点的可见性安全团队需要了解企业网络和看似无穷无尽的复杂系统 端点 ——然后他们需要一种清晰地组织和解释从他们那里收集到的数据的方法.

The Role of DFIR in Cybersecurity

Within the larger framework of cybersecurity practices, DFIR的作用是详细了解违规行为是如何发生的,以及为纠正该特定事件将采取的具体步骤. 让我们更深入地了解构成整体DFIR实践的各个功能.

Incident Detection 和 Response 

检测受攻击影响的受损用户是了解发生了什么并制定及时响应以确保攻击者从网络中清除的第一步, the breach contained 和 fixed, 剩下的 可利用的漏洞 矫正. 从那里, a thoughtful investigation can take place, 它可以识别不断进化的攻击者行为,并在未来更准确地发现它.


对具体漏洞的调查永远不会像之前的调查那样. It’s imperative to customize a situational approach to a threat, whether that threat is impending or has already taken place. When launching an investigation, a security team might perform data analysis on the affected asset(s), acquiring browser-history artifacts, 事件日志, 目录中的文件, 登记箱.

威胁情报 和 Analysis

The most critical step in gathering 威胁情报 确保数据适合安全组织中的每个功能. 一旦付诸实践, 情报周期 will produce results by collecting, 分析, 和 disseminating to relevant stakeholders in the organization. 这个过程的先决条件是高度重视自动化分析,可以快速搜索数据并显示相关的见解.

Malware Analysis 和 Reverse Engineering

在分析电位 恶意软件 在网络上, a security team would submit a suspicious sample, run it through a chain of analyzers, 和 then classify the threat based on risk score. This can help to prioritize the situation. Is it something that needs immediate attention or can it wait? 在这个分析阶段, 逆向工程恶意软件可以帮助团队找到了解其最终目标并快速根除它的最佳方法.

Incident Containment 和 Recovery

Once a breach has been fully scoped 和 the affected assets, 应用程序, 和 users have been contained, a security operations center (SOC) 是否会启动预定计划,恢复正常的业务运营流程. 文档是灾难规划的关键,因此团队可以了解备份系统的各种组件. 维护一个自动化的, 离线备份可以进一步帮助从恶意软件攻击中恢复的过程.

How is Digital Forensics Used in Incident Response? 

数字取证应用于 事件响应 by becoming embedded in the process. As every security professional knows, it’s not enough to respond to incidents 和 fix the issue, 您必须确切地知道发生了什么以及它是如何发生的,以便系统可以针对攻击路径进行校准,并在下次发现该行为时显示定制警报.

If someone were to ask, ”what are digital forensics?”, 我们更明确地希望讨论多系统取证(上面简要提到过)。. 这是, 监视和查询整个网络中的关键系统和资产类型以发现可疑行为的能力. Let’s take a more granular look into what that process entails:

  • 收集:跨端点执行有针对性的数字法医证据收集.
  • 监控:持续监视端点事件,如日志、文件修改和进程执行. 
  • 亨特查找并访问可靠的取证工件库,并搜索网络上可疑的与恶意软件相关的活动, customizing to specific threat-hunting needs as you go.

Digital forensics should enable threat responders 和 hunters to collect, 查询, 和 monitor almost any aspect of an endpoint, 端点组, 或者整个网络. 该实践还可用于在端点上创建连续监视规则以及自动执行服务器任务. Specific use cases can include:

  • Client monitoring 和 alerts (detection): DFIR tools can collect event queries focused on detection, 允许从业者自主地监视端点,并在满足某些条件时发送优先级警报.
  • Proactively hunting for indicators (威胁情报):这表明从许多系统中大规模收集工件,然后可以将这些工件与威胁情报信息(例如哈希值)相结合,以主动寻找已知不良行为者的妥协. 
  • Ongoing forwarding of events to another system: 监控ing queries can be used to simply forward events.
  • 收集ing bulk files for analysis on another system (digital forensics)DFIR工具将从端点收集大容量文件,以便稍后由其他工具进行分析.
  • Parsing for indicators on the endpoint (digital forensics): Artifacts are used to directly parse files on an endpoint, 快速返回可操作, high-value information without the need for lengthy post processing.
  • Proactive hunting for indicators across many systems (事件响应)DFIR工具可以同时从许多端点寻找工件.

Why is DFIR a Critical Tool in a Cybersecurity Program? 



What are the Benefits of DFIR? 

The benefits of DFIR are impossible to overstate, 由于漏洞调查的目标是可见性,因此安全团队可以从发生的事情中获得洞察力,并创建更强大的程序.

  • 更快的恢复:显示更多相关的警报——基于过去的事件或库构件——意味着DFIR从业者可以更快地响应事件并从事件中恢复.  
  • 更强的安全态势更准确地对威胁做出反应并进行调查, an organization’s overall health 和 security posture begins to improve. 一个外部 DFIR服务 程序还可以通过进行更深入的调查来帮助进一步增加价值, 把时间还给内部从业者,让他们专注于其他目标和优先事项. 
  • 数据共享功能现代DFIR解决方案将包括准确报告应对威胁或事件所采取的每项行动. 这意味着这些报告和关键的见解可以很容易地与任何感兴趣的利益相关者共享.  
  • 巴特猜测他们是怎么进来的? Who exactly is the perpetrator? 他们的动机是什么?? 全面的DFIR功能应该能够为这些问题提供明确的答案, leaving little doubt as to what has happened 和 what should happen next.


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